
My Story

My name is Matthew McLelland.

I am a son of the living God. I am here on this earth to learn about and to become like my father in heaven. I am grateful for every day that I have to experience new things, serve those around me, and share what I am learning.

The age-old questions of why am I here? What is my purpose? Why do I have the talents I have? What impact can I make on the lives around me? What am I supposed to understand through my experiences and trials?

Well, I’ve created this site in an effort to both ask and answer those questions in my own life, and to document what I’m learning for those that desire to know.

Here goes everything.

Matthew McLelland

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Creature Fear Trailer

Featured Stories

For a lot of us, we don’t often get taught how to deal with heartache, how to deal with emotions, or even how to express ourselves properly. As with most things in our lives, we learn from trial and error.

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It is not going to be easy, this you have learned first hand, but I can promise you that if you are able to endure to the end, you will discover that these tests, these trials have all been for a very distinct purpose.

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As we grow in our own understanding of creativity, and strength, we realize that focusing on the basics and becoming better at the small things first, is a crucial step in becoming great at the harder stuff.

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