It is not going to be easy, this you have learned first hand, but I can promise you that if you are able to endure to the end, you will discover that these tests, these trials have all been for a very distinct purpose.
May 09, 2017
Dear Matthew,
You have had to exercise patience and endure a lot of heartache for many years now. You have made significant progress in your efforts to learn wisdom, to deal with your hurt, and to ultimately become the type of man that will have a significant impact for good in the lives of your daughters.
I urge you to stay strong, to not give up, and to continue to show patience, and calm, even though the storms may continue to roll in. You are getting stronger, you are becoming more capable than ever of overcoming these trials which I believe have a significant purpose.
I realize that you feel incredibly alone in your efforts, but I want you to know that you are not alone. There are many people on the other side that are aware of the trials that you are faced with. I am here to help you through this every step of the way. Trust in me. When you get discouraged, I humbly ask that you remember where you’ve come from and that you consider how far you have come in this journey.
It is not going to be easy, this you have learned first hand, but I can promise you that if you are able to endure to the end, you will discover that these tests, these trials have all been for a very distinct purpose.
Do not forget this.
With Love,
Future Self / #neverever